EM Protective upgrading it’s fleet to be able to serve and protect better
Remember 911
We sit in #silence to honor those who #sacrificed on this day. We stand boldly for the families of the #honored and our #country. We must always stand #united as
Hurricane Dorian
EM Protective #Security, #Safety and #disaster Services , #Stormpoint, and THE #NJSP all waiting to see what #Dorian the #hurricane will do, and how we can help everyone in the
Vanderbilt implosion 2019
Making Bellevue a better place to live
Making #Bellevue a better place to live. Protecting the workers with #TrafficControl and #Security while they are doing their jobs, building sidewalks for a better #community. #EMprotective #EMprotectiveservices #police #security
Working security and traffic control for the NFL draft
We are proud to be a part of history in Nashville by serving numerous clients during the 2019 NFL Draft with security, threat assessment, and traffic control services. A great